Saturday, January 08, 2005

GOP silence on Gonzales is another flip-flop.

I understand that Bush would want as his Attorney General a tyrannical torturer who equates the Constitution with toilet paper. Bush himself has wiped his ass on that document a time or two. It’s nothing new.

But why do regular folks put up with it?

There’s no way to spin the anti-American attitude of Bush this time around. Our whole Bill of Rights was designed to PREVENT what Gonzales says is good for government to do. There is no person’s views more diametrically opposed to civil rights, civil liberties, freedom, and Christian morals than those of Gonzales.

Yet here we are on the cusp of this abomination of a human being being hired as the nation’s chief law enforcer. This guy’s a half-step shy of the Marquis de Saad, for cryin’ out loud. Anybody who writes memos explaining how to spin torture as legal, or says the Geneva Conventions are “quaint” and outdated, is someone who puts oppressive government ahead of peoples’ rights.

Didn’t the Republicans cry like Hell about Janet Reno? How can any intelligent person say Ruby Ridge or Waco is a greater violation of our Constitution than Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib?

Where is their outrage now?

Mute. Because they don't dare question their masters.


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