Thursday, February 24, 2005

More snake oil from Bush

Okay, how many bottles of snake oil does America need to buy before they get a clue? Bush’s social security “plan” looks a whole lot like all his other plans: another false crisis with another false cure.

To review. (1) Bush’s education plan (No Child Left Behind) was supposed to “fix” America’s crisis in education (it’s had virtually no impact), and he never funded it. States are bleeding millions with nothing to show for it.

(2) Bush’s invasion of Iraq was supposed to thwart the crisis of an imminent (no, growing, no, gathering, no...) threat of a nuclear explosion in our cities. Except, there was no link to Al Qaida, no weapons AT ALL, and it is costing taxpayers lives and hundreds of billions (which pretty much go directly into the pockets of rich buddies like Halliburton).

(3) Bush’s prescription drug bill was supposed to fix the crisis old people face in trying to pay for the mushrooming costs of medication. The plan did virtually nothing for the consumers but put more millions in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies--and it cost HUNDREDS of billions MORE than Bush said it would.

(4) Now Bush wants to fix the crisis of Social Security going broke. Except, SS will be perfectly fine for decades if left alone. But Bush wants to fix it anyway, and fix it for good. His plan is to take money out and give it to Wall Street (a plan destined to do massive harm and no good). And he’s hiding the numbers once again. Now if THAT isn’t a warning bell, what is?

Okay... so how many times are we going to let Bush tell us there’s a “crisis” before we wise up? All but the prescription drug problem are PROVEN to be pure fabrication or excessively gross overstatement.

Time and again, Bush INVENTS a crisis then sells a snake oil cure. And in every case, it’s turns out to be nothing more than just a sleight-of-hand trick to get taxpayer money into the pockets of already bloated corporations.


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