Sunday, May 01, 2005

Bush flip-flops on stance against state sponsors of terrorism.

Anyone else remember all Bush's blather about zero tolerance towards states who sponsor terrorism? Imagine, then, if such a nation was also guilty of harboring international terrorists (particularly Osama bin Laden) and committing genocide against its own people. Boy, that should REALLY get Bush's "invasion" engines running, right? If Saddam's 15-year-old crimes are enough to justify an invasion, then fresher blood should count even more, right?

So how can Bush declare that the Sudan is now a "key ally" in the war against terror? How can Bush claim as ally a country that is so perfectly guilty of DOUBLE everything that justified invading Iraq?

Hell, even that "terrorism-slacker" Bill Clinton bombed the Sudan!

But since Sudan has decided to help the U.S. against terrorist camps, all is forgiven. Sure, they provide information about terrorists (and who would know better than a bunch of terrorists themselves?). But that's a cheap price for letting a government stay in power that is far more guilty of anything Saddam ever did. At least when Saddam killed "his own people" it was a region that was in open rebellion. What Sudan is doing in Darfur is pure cold-blooded murder. And Bush just signed the death warrant for untold thousands more.

I thought I was going to choke when Clinton gave China "most favored nation" status and sold them satellite equipment. But once again Bush outdoes Clinton by a mile.

Just goes to show that Bush's foreign policy has nothing to do with terrorism at all. It's all about grabbing the oil. "Freedom isn't free," as Bush likes to say. So if those poor Darfur people want to be saved by Bush, they better be finding some huge oil reserves somewhere. Cause freedom isn't free, y'know.


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