Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Judge offers church time instead of jail time.

I'm all for alternative sentences. Sometimes it's best to let the punishment fit the crime. But there are lines a judge can't cross, not and stay within the Constitution.

Here's one ACTIVIST JUDGE who offers criminals the choice of going to church instead of going to jail. If I ever get convicted, I hope I get such a sweetheart deal!

I'm heavily against this. But not just because it is a gross violation of the separation of church and state (why should church-goers get off so lightly?). Rather, because it completely lets guilty people get off scott-free without paying off any of their debt to society. This judge isn't just slapping their wrists, he's wearing thick velvet gloves while he does it.

He might as well just wag his finger and say "tsk, tsk."


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