Monday, January 09, 2006

Pondering what's behind the news...

Maybe I'm paranoid, but this story strikes me as something more than just a simple crime. A journalist gets killed in a 'regular' mugging outside his home. He's mortally wounded to his head, his wallet is gone, and two guys are seen leaving the scene. It could be a run-of-the-mill mugging. Two thugs looking for drug money.

But isn't this how you'd expect the crime to be reported, even if it was a conspiracy to shut up an award-winning investigative reporter--like in the movies? This man, David Rosenbaum, covered federal budget stories in Washington DC for the New York Times. Big stuff. And during a time rife with budget scandals and super-secret anti-constitutional behavior. (I'm not accusing anyone of anything, just pointing out the scenario.) If he had discovered something he shouldn't have, and if he had been silenced, isn't this exactly the story we'd expect to see?

After posting the above, this story appeared. Apparently I'm not the only one who thought this sounded peculiar. Police already suspect this might not have been just a robbery.


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