Monday, November 22, 2004

Back to the good ol' days, ja?

Legitimate leaders have stepped aside to let him assume power. He has consolidated/affirmed his power through fear and hate. He has purged government of independent thinkers and demanded loyalty oaths. He has taken the reigns off capitalism. He has made war his official policy and invaded a sovereign nation at peace. He dragged a nation into war of aggression to complete a previous unfinished campaign. And he has a nationwide propaganda apparatus to make it all sound so very necessary.

If this sounds like a notorious historical figure, it is. If it sounds like 1933, it is. But this man wears no Charlie Chaplain mustache. He wears an American flag lapel pin and his narrow eyes glisten with mad purpose. And he is making his history now.

George W. Bush has brought petite fascism to the White House, and God help America that they barely notice or care.

He is conducting a mad rush to liquidate all current resources into cash, leaving as little as possible for future generations. He is borrowing billions of dollars to pay for massive tax cuts for his rich friends, indebting future Americans for generations. But Bush and his cronies do not care. The profit is all theirs and the debts all ours.

Protecting the environment is now in full reverse. All Bush’s agencies are run by corporate employees. Pollution is in high gear, and the health of tomorrow’s generations is a laughable concept. Why should Bush care? To him, conservation is nothing but lost money. Money his kind is entitled to.

There is no question that Bush is a man of vision. The question is, what is that vision?

Only when all is lost, all good jobs gone, the national treasury filled with nothing but IOUs, all air, water, and soil poisoned, all our children fighting or dead in foreign lands, and any word of dissent is a capital crime will the 293 million fools (minus 55 million) who call themselves Americans stand up and say “hey, wait a minute.” But by then, it will be too late.

Bush’s vision is the knowledge that America is past its prime, and the fire sale is on. Liquidate everything. And get the hell out before the whole thing collapses.


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