Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Abandoning GOD for GOP

This election has made it clear, for anyone who wasn’t already convinced, that the church pulpits across America have thrown out the teachings of Jesus. When popular preachers like James Dobson use their radio pulpit to tell voters it’s a sin to not vote (apparently, against Democrats), they have thrown away Jesus and cast their lot for the Republican party.

Last time I looked, the Republican platform was not a copy of the Holy Bible. And no church can claim that any one political party encompasses in toto the Christian doctrine.

For one example, Jesus said not to kill. He did not equivocate about the details. Don’t kill. Period. Not in anger, not in self-defense, not for pre-emption or national security. So while the Democrats may (or may not, depending on one’s interpretation of science) violate that instruction due to defending abortion, it is CERTAIN that the Republicans violate that instruction in a whole host of ways.

The GOP staunchly defends the death penalty, widespread gun ownership and usage (for self-defense, etc.), and aggressive military policy (“pre-emption”). If it kills, it’s usually GOP-approved. They also fight hard against using public money in preventative policies such as workplace regulations, consumer protections, public health policies, and preventative health care--all of which can lead to death if left unaddressed. In fact, the ONLY life protected by “pro-lifers” is the unborn fetus. For everybody else, they’re on their own!

No “evangelical” I’ve talked with has yet resolved these massive discrepancies between the direct instruction of Jesus and the Republican agenda. (Some bring up Old Testament arguments, but the words of Jesus trumps all that.)

Jesus didn’t focus on gay marriage, but he did spend a lot of time condemning greed and materialism. So why are the preachers so worried about gays instead of the capitalist consumerism that is destroying America’s soul? Why don’t they put the same emphasis on Mammon that Jesus did?

Maybe it’s because Mammon is the true god of the Republican party.


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