Monday, November 08, 2004

Democracy in jeopardy: Another rigged election.

Just like in 2000, a critical state in the presidential election has serious voting reliability problems. Ohio is this year’s Florida, and the facts are now trickling out. The illegal and unethical Florida behavior was so successful in 2000 that it was exported to Ohio and elsewhere this year.

Two great starting points are Thom Hartmann’s recent column or Greg Palast’s column. And more sources can be found from there.

It’s not an accident that these “irregularities” are in Republican states that narrowly went for the Republican candidate.

There’s no doubt that GOP supporters will reject this, for purely partisan reasons. But there is no room for turning a blind eye here. If this is the new acceptable behavior, then you can bet your butt the Democrats will follow suit.

This is the “fair and balanced” democracy we can look forward to if it doesn’t get fixed NOW.


At 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't shed too many tears... you will again be happy when Hillary steals it back in 08, once the Dems figure out a way to get their lawyers to declare her president and skip that messy voting process.

At 9:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Dick Morris' interview on Fox. He was suggesting that the DNC purposely leaked the early exit polls knowing that Kerry would be ahead, due to earlier voters being retired or otherwise not working, to suppress the turn out of the working GOP voter. I am referring to Thom Hartmann's column you linked.

At 10:41 AM , Blogger Daniel Preece said...

The notion that early bad news (for your candidate) will encourage you to not vote never made much sense to me. If my candidate's behind, I know my vote is needed even more. But, that notion is held by many and maybe they're right.

If they are indeed right, then that is a major problem in American thinking. Voting isn't gambling. You don't "win" by choosing the winner.

I'm definitely not convinced that early voting would favor either party. People with jobs often vote on the way to work. Jobless people have all day to vote, so why the certainty that they all get up early? And--crazy as this sounds, but I see it with my own two eyes--many economically depressed areas (i.e. on gov't assistance) vote Republican. They have no jobs, live off welfare, then go vote for the people who are determined to cut them off.

At 10:52 AM , Blogger Daniel Preece said...

I do hope the GOP media machine spends the next four years going after Hillary. Obviously, this is to sow early their seeds of deceit. But here's a prediction: Hillary won't be nominated in 2008. In fact, no woman will get the presidential nomination so long as terrorism and foreign wars are an issue. It's just not in the American mindset to have a woman as Commander In Chief during "war."

But DON'T TELL ANYBODY. Let the GOP media machine waste their time on Hillary.

I hear film is already rolling for the new ads from the Swift Boat Veterans Against Former First Ladies. John O'Neill is already lining up "witnesses" that Hillary never passed the bar, that her marriage to Bill was annulled, and that Chelsea is really the love child of Osama bin Laden. And Saddam is her godfather.


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