Monday, February 28, 2005

GOP resorts to smearing old people, and brainwashing young people.

Since old folks know enough about social security to be adamantly against Bush's scheme to ruin it, the GOP has sought to smear the old-folks lobbyist group (the AARP) by launching an ad that inexplicably associates them with--get this--the "homosexual agenda."

Is the "gay card" such a trump that it works for anything? What next, either you support invading Iran or you're a gay-lover?

But this (obviously idiotic) ploy has failed miserably. Now the ad maker, one of those mysterious funded and vaguely named right-wing groups named "USA Next", is trying to weasel out of the hole they put the GOP in. They're saying--with a straight face--that the ad was a "test" to see if "left wing bloggers" would "explode about it."

If you believe THAT bullshit, I have some property for sale...

That's like saying they threw a baby into the river to see if it would get wet.

What's most offensive is that they know the GOP supporters will believe that statement, or at least accept it and repeat it as a defense of the smear job. Fighting for justice in America isn't just fighting evil, it's fight the friggin' stupidity of the public. If I were a Republican and my party had to habitually rely on mental retardation as its base, I'd switch parties.

Oh wait, I already did that.

On another note, there's a Texas 9 year old who thinks Bush's social security plan is a good thing. Supposedly, the kid's actually pretty smart. Book smart, that is. He retains a lot of trivia. And he's a staunch Republican.

And a good parrot. Apparently his expertise about Social Security does not extend beyond propaganda. He said he wants to run for president in 2032, and that social security will be "bankrupt by then." Oops. Sorry, kid, the facts don't bear that out. Maybe you should give the encyclopedia a rest and start working on your internal bullshit detector.

So the GOP's not just relying on ignorance and retardation for its support. Brainwashing is a time-honored method as well. All groups in power try it one way or another. But there's just something sad about a smart kid being led down a dark path...


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