Sunday, May 01, 2005

Oh, those 'activist' judges.

Bet your money that the right-wingers don't use the word "activist" to describe THIS judge.

Florida's at it again. This time it's the anti-abortion crusade. This time, a judge as ordered a ban against a 13-year-old girl getting an abortion even though it is her legal right to get one.

That, folks, is the prime definition of an "activist" judge. This guy is rewriting the law to suit his personal opinions. In this case, the judge agreed with the state officials who argued the girl lacks the maturity to decide for herself--even though the care home where she lived says she's mentally competent (if not very responsible). I'm curious if the state would have made the same argument if the girl had decided to keep the pregnancy. If she's too immature to decide for herself, then whichever decision she chooses is irrelevant.

What happens if she decides to keep it? No 13 year old can raise a baby, particularly not a 13 year old being raised in a care home. Will a Florida judge then step in and take the baby away? And what happens when this girl turns 18 and wants her baby back?

One thing is certain, both sides will exploit this for their own gain. And nobody really cares about the 13 year old girl or her fetus. She's just a means to a political end.


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