Saturday, June 25, 2005

Let the feasting begin...

Bush cooked the intelligence. He (em)broiled Iraq in war. He whipped up a half-baked Iraqi replacement government as an appetizer. And now, the REAL feasting will begin.

American and British oil corporations will be meeting this week to carve up the 200 billion turkey Bush has served them.

Freedom isn't free, y'know.

Conservatives have long argued that economic freedom and political freedom are intricately linked. There is a world of truth to this. So it's hard to reconcile how America is bringing freedom to Iraq when Bush is so clearly setting Iraq up as a colony for US/UK oil corporations. It's a sleazy Clintonian lie to say the oil belongs to Iraqis when foreigners hold the contracts.

What pisses me off the most, though, is that--regarding American corporations--this gift Bush is giving them is a total freebie. The big energy corporations rarely pay much in federal taxes and not a single share holder is over there carrying a rifle, but they will rake in trillions of dollars from Iraqi oil profits without ever footing the $200+ billion cost of this war.

Working Americans are paying for this, and all they're getting in return are dead relatives and high gas prices.

Evil bastards.


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