Saturday, February 18, 2006

The wiretapping scandal: keeping on topic.

The media continues to allow Bush to dodge the issue regarding wiretapping. The issue is the warrants, not the spying itself.

Bush keeps saying the spying is necessary, to which few disagree. But the FISA law says he must get a warrant or the tap is illegal.

Bush keeps saying the spying needs to be quick, to which few disagree. The FISA law lets him send flunkies to get a FISA warrant up to 3 days after the tap. So there is nothing stopping our spies from doing anything they need to do in a timely manner.

Which begs the question of why Bush doesn't want to account for his spying before a FISA court designed to give rubber stamps to federal spying. They will only say "no" if it's obvious there is no reasonable cause for the tap.

So, the situation is this: Bush wants to conduct spying that even the FISA court would not approve 3 days after the fact.

That should tell you he's up to no good. If he can't come up with some half-assed excuse for a tap within three days, then there is absolutely no reason for that tap in the first place.


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