Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Amnesty would bring an end to millions of corporate crimes each year.

The GOP continue to blast the Democrats by saying that the Dems want to "reward the criminal behavior" of the illegal immigrants in America by granting them amnesty. The GOP is correct about one thing--this issue IS about rewarding criminal behavior...by corporations.

See, either way the U.S gov't will be rewarding criminal behavior. By doing nothing, the GOP will be rewarding all those millions of illegal hirings by corporations over the years. Yep, the GOP wants to continue to allow corporations to pass over decent hard working citizens in favor of cheap illegal foreigners. They want to continue to ignore state and federal laws that punish employers for hiring undocumented workers. And they want to continue the illegal source of employees who do not demand fair wages, work safety, health and retirement benefits, and any other labor right that citizens possess.

So we can either forgive the Mexicans who only want to earn a better life, or we can forgive all those criminal employers who have turned their backs on their citizen neighbors just to put more money in their already over-stuffed pockets.

There's the choice: we'll either have two groups of criminals sticking it to the American citizenry, or we can make both groups honest and above board.


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