Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Anti-Bush ads denied by ‘liberal media’

Advocacy ads criticizing Bush’s proposals regarding medical malpractice suits were rejected by all four major broadcast networks. NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox refused to run the ads because they were “controversial.” The ads were to run before the State of the Union on Wednesday.

Advocacy ads BY DEFINITION are “controversial” because they advocate one side of an issue. If there wasn’t a controversy, why would anyone pay to express their view? (Have you EVER seen an ad that SOMEONE didn't disagree with? You think Coke agrees with Pepsi ads?)

So, if some advocacy ads are accepted and others rejected, exactly what are the standards based on?

Well, it sure looks like the cut-off point is anything that isn’t sanctioned by the GOP or its supporters.

(Note: networks are owned by bloated corporations who just luuuuv ol’ Dubya’s pro-corporate/anti-people policies.)


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