Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Constitution finally wins!

After holding a man for 2 and 1/2 years without charging him of a crime, Bush's Justice Department has been ordered by a federal judge to either charge Jose Padilla or let him go. This is a big win for the U.S. Constitution.

Bush--who last year said he believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution--tried to invent a legal scenario where he could subvert the Bill of Rights and begin putting people in prison indefinitely. Padilla was labeled an "enemy combatant" by Bush and jailed without charge, an act the judge ruled completely without constitutional justification.

This is not to say Padilla isn't what the Justice Department says he is: a terrorist linked to Al Qaida. This is to say the government must obey the law, and the law says you must charge someone with a crime if you want to put them in jail. Otherwise, the GOP could simply jail anybody at any time for any reason.

And that's not an America worth spit.


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