Sunday, March 27, 2005

Delay's double standards

This stuff makes me sick.

As House Majority Leader, Tom Delay (Republican-Texas) has fought hard for the Federal government into intervene in the family's right to determine the fate of Terry Schiavo case. Is this a matter of sincere concern, or political opportunism?

Well, when it was the Delay family with a member being artificially kept alive, they let him die. So why won't Delay allow the Schiavo husband the same unenviable decision?

True, the Delay situation involved life support machines and the Schiavo situation involves a feeding tube. There is a wide technological difference. But not a moral difference. Both cases involve the decision to remove any artificial means of continuing the person's life. And in both cases, the patient had zero hope of recovery.

If we reversed this into a murder case--where someone removed the life-continuing machines without authority--would there be a distinction between the technologies? I very seriously doubt it. In both cases it is the willfull decision to let nature take its course with the full awareness that the patient will surely die.


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