Monday, March 21, 2005

They don't trust Bush, and they never should.

If mistrust about the United States is growing around the world, there's plenty of good reason for it. Early this year the Bush administration tried to generate pressure in Asia against North Korea by showing that NK's nuclear program is a threat to the world. Given what the American press has reported about NK being despicable, you'd think the straight facts would be enough to convince anybody. But then, you'd think the same thing about Saddam.

The Bush administration told various Asian nations that North Korea sold nuclear material to Libya in an attempt to help "create a new nuclear state." This is a huge accusation.

And a total lie. North Korea sold material to Bush's good buddy Pakistan, who then turned around and--without NK's knowledge--sold it to Libya. That little detail was conspicuously missing from the Bush reports.

If this behavior looks familiar, it should. It's the same kind of low-life manipulating that Bush used to get support against Iraq. Hopefully, this time around the other countries will be more forceful in demanding real proof about threats, instead of taking a notorious liar's word for it.

Personally, I'm tired of seeing my president make people like Saddam and Kim Jong Il look like honest folks by comparison.


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