Friday, July 01, 2005

GOP criticizes independent thought and free speech for their propaganda failures.

Yep, the Republican war machine is faced with falling military recruitment numbers. And they're really pissed off that it might be because people are wise to the truth, and aren't responding to propaganda anymore.

You’d think the reasons for avoiding the military would be obvious: (1) few people want to sign up for certain death and/or dismemberment in a faraway quagmire. (2) Everybody is saying the US will be there for years, even decades. (3) Bush has been forcing soldiers to stay longer than they agreed to. (4) Soldiers’ benefits and services have been slashed. (5) Soldiers are frequently left to buy their own defense armor. And (6) the whole affair is based on a proven pack of lies. So the only surprise here is how the military gets anyone at all to sign up.

To counter the truth, the Republicans are blaming those Americans who had the wisdom to see beyond Bush’s lies and the patriotism to speak out against them. Yep, it’s free speech, freedom of thought, and demands for honest government that has defeated Bush’s propaganda machine--which in turn has led to lower recruitment numbers.

Sorry, Dubya. Looks like we’re too smart for you. Even if it does take a few years for some of us to finally catch on.

(If you’re really desperate, I know two girls in your household that are of perfect age. Send them before you go asking other parents to send theirs, ‘kay?)


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