Tuesday, January 03, 2006

They're lying about Clinton again.

Here they go again...

Bush is insisting that he doesn't have to obey FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) laws regarding no-warrant searches, and his defenders (Limbaugh, Hannity, etc) are claiming that Bush is only doing what Clinton did. Not true by a long shot.

In 1994 Deputy-Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, on behalf of Clinton, did argue the executive branch had the "inherent right" to order no-warrant physical searches. (Clinton did not argue he had the "inherent right" to order no-warrant electronic searches.) But physical searches are not electronic searches, and were not then covered by FISA.

Bush's defenders are deceitfully taking the Gorelick quote grossly out of context. She was defending in 1994 what was legal at the time. It only became illegal later. And the Clinton administration not only supported the inclusion of physical searches within FISA, they went to Congress and requested it in the first place.

And, of course, Clinton was talking about searches of foreigners. Bush is conducting these searches on U.S. citizens. That's kind of a monumental difference.

What's happening is Bush borrowed Clinton's phrase "inherent right" and is applying it to ANY act he wishes to conduct. Bush says he can do anything, so long as he can claim it's done to "fight terrorism." But the law is clear. Bush can't do what he says he can do. His no-warrant searches violate the Constitution.

This man is totally out of control. If we don't impeach him soon, who knows how far he will go to shred that "goddam piece of paper" we call the U.S. Constitution. (Yep, that's what Dubya called it. Google it for yourself.)

But one thing is certain. The likes of Limbaugh and FoxNews will be right there to help make it all happen.


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