Monday, July 11, 2005

Rove: Lying With The Truth.

If you want to be a politician or a lawyer, you need to learn how to lie by telling the truth. It is guaranteed to fool most people, and anyone not paying particular attention to the precise words being said.

When asked if he had anything to do with the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name, Rove offered this response: "I didn’t know her name and didn’t leak her name."

Notice that he completely rewrote the question. He did not answer if he had any knowledge, he answered only that he didn't know or leak her name. To the casual observer, that looks like a pretty obvious denial of "knowing anything" about the leak. But it is not a denial of the question asked. The question asked if he had any knowledge, not if he specifically knew or stated her name.

According to Matt Cooper, who revealed Rove as the leaker, Rove identified her as Wilson's wife. So see, technically Rove isn't lying when he said he didn't know or leak HER NAME. But he did reveal her identity. And there's no important difference between the two.

I depends on what your definition of "is" is...


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