Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bush: liquidate everything, including National Security

Bush has been hell-bent to liquidate everything in America since he got (s)elected. Our environment, our natural resources, our public schools, everything under the sun is to be converted into cash quickly. And now, that list even includes America's national security.

The Dubai port deal is, in the immediate, about money. The Bush family is directly tied to the Carlyle group (vastly wealthy international business), to whom the UAE is a major investor. So when the UAE wants to buy control of our ports, Bush is going to make it happen (one way or another). And why not? Directly or indirectly it puts cash into the Bush family coffers (by encouraging more UAE investments).

Critics of Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 now need to rethink Moore's allegation that when Bush goes to sleep at night he's more concerned about wealthy Arabs than Americans' security. This port deal proves Moore right.

This deal does nothing to improve national security and does everything to compromise it. There's no way to rationalize that a foreign government with terrorist ties should control our ports.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Port fiasco shows Bush's true colors

Bush invaded Iraq over FAKE ties to Al Qaida, but wants to hand our ports over to a country with TRUE ties to terrorists. Somebody please explain how this isn't proof ol' Dubya is insane.

The fact that the Bush propaganda machine is defending this by playing the race card is further proof that the idea is fundamentally f****d up. Who gives a rat's ass if Emirates' feelings get hurt?! We're talking about our ports, for cryin' out loud. Y'know, those places where terrorists are supposed to try to sneak in nuclear bombs so our cities go up in mushroom clouds?

Now all of a sudden we're supposed to ignore our own national security so some corporations can make a quick buck??? (Somehow this is also tied into Bush's recent appointment of one of the port-buying corporation's employees to a prominent position in the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the million dollars the Bushes got from UAE & other Arabs for the Bush library...)

What makes all this worse are the excuses. The Bush admin says Bush didn't know about the deal until he saw it on the news. Nor did our Homeland Security director. So are we to believe that a lowly assistant's "OK" is all it takes for a country tied to terrorism to buy our ports???

At this point, I find myself edging closer to the conspiracy camp. That this whole 9/11 and Iraq mess was concocted by NeoCons (as plotted on their website, Project For A New American Century) as justification for a takeover of middle east oil industries by Western oil corporations. Why? Because NONE of this crap adds up.

This port deal makes NO SENSE. Nor does Bush WANTING it to happen. Nor does all the Bushbutt-licking pundits' INSISTENCE that it's all okay. Hell, half the GOP is afraid of this deal. THAT should tell you something's up. Dubya don't allow no dissention in the ranks.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

China is insane.

No country should be allowed to have nukes that thinks a horse's cock and balls are good eating.

The spying just got WORSE.

A Republican is suing the Bush administration for illegal surveillance tactics. They're not just listening on your phones anymore. This has gone Big Brother.

According to the suit: "RFID tags 'that monitor their vehicle movements' were placed on his wife's car."

Next there will be a law--a secret provision put in a bigger law that no one would oppose--that says cars sold in the U.S. must have this RFID installed.

Welcome to the future of the "land of the free."

The wiretapping scandal: keeping on topic.

The media continues to allow Bush to dodge the issue regarding wiretapping. The issue is the warrants, not the spying itself.

Bush keeps saying the spying is necessary, to which few disagree. But the FISA law says he must get a warrant or the tap is illegal.

Bush keeps saying the spying needs to be quick, to which few disagree. The FISA law lets him send flunkies to get a FISA warrant up to 3 days after the tap. So there is nothing stopping our spies from doing anything they need to do in a timely manner.

Which begs the question of why Bush doesn't want to account for his spying before a FISA court designed to give rubber stamps to federal spying. They will only say "no" if it's obvious there is no reasonable cause for the tap.

So, the situation is this: Bush wants to conduct spying that even the FISA court would not approve 3 days after the fact.

That should tell you he's up to no good. If he can't come up with some half-assed excuse for a tap within three days, then there is absolutely no reason for that tap in the first place.

If it's not straight, then it's crooked.

As anyone who has dealt with the public (children or adults) knows, if someone or some group's story isn't straight, then somebody is hiding something. The mess surrounding VP Cheney's shooting of a hunting companion is a clear case of a story's facts changing with every telling. Here's a quick description of how the major details changed over time.

These discrepancies add up to only one thing: a cover up. So whether Cheney merely had an innocent accident or got drunk and nearly killed a man, it's still a case of the truth being too damaging--either politically or legally or both--to let the public know.

When a victim begs forgiveness for being attacked, you know something very screwy is going on.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Whittington to Cheney: "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

The man who was shot by VP Cheney actually told the press that he was sorry for the trouble that Cheney was going through. This is not a human response. This is the response by a soulless shill still trying to curry favor.

The most charitable, natural, human response to being accidentally shot in the head is to OFFER forgiveness. Not beg for it. Something is very peculiar here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney keeps seeing phantoms...

It's all crystal clear now why the U.S. military kept giving now-VP Cheney all those deferments back during Vietnam. Apparently the military couldn't trust him with a gun. And now, decades later, ol' trigger-happy Cheney has shot a companion hunter--in the face and neck, I believe--because he keeps seeing things (this time, quail) that he doesn't actually see.

But this isn't new. Cheney's biggest act of recklessness was jumping into a war based on phantom enemies in Iraq. Then he was seeing nukes everywhere. Now he's seeing quail everywhere. For the sake of national security, somebody please disarm this walking calamity.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hawaii to middle class: we don't want you.

Read between the lines of this article. Hawaii no longer wants or needs your piddly middle class dollars. Tourism has saturated the islands, and it's time to thin the herd. That's right, to keep you working people away, prices are going to rise. Hawaii will become exclusive once again. The destination du jour of fat wallets. And you commoners can drag your squawling brats back to Myrtle Beach where they belong...

Accept the implant, or get another job (this is only the beginning).

Remember all those alarmist old sci-fi movies projecting a horrible Orwellian future? Well, the future is now.

This data company now demands certain employees to receive an implant called an RFID or get another job. (They're not necessarily fired, but they lose the job they had.)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Top spy fired over opposing torture

Just another day in Bush-America. Last week the head of the CIA's counter-terrorism centre was fired because opposed Bush's hobby of kidnapping foreign citizens and shipping them around the world to be tortured. (Bush says they're "terrorists," but if Gitmo is any gauge, over 90 percent are innocent.)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Straight talkin' George

Scooter Libby has admitted that he was authorized by his superiors (such as VP Cheney) to leak classified information to the press. He still doesn't say he revealed CIA agent Plame's name. These crooks insist they didn't reveal her name. But they obviously didn't have to. Saying "Wilson's wife works for the CIA" is all they need do. But they don't directly deny that they made any reference at all about Plame. That's too broad a denial, the kind they can go to jail for.

The recent CNN story on this added Bush's quote from early in the investigation and it got me thinking about how Bush talks. Yep, this is another one of those times when ol' George is telling you--in double-meaning words--precisely what he's going to do...

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said, "If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is, and if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of."

Not fired, not prosecuted, not punished. "Taken care of."

Well, George is true to his words. He's been working overtime to take care of these traitors--to make sure the law never touches them.

Pulling Bush's strings.

Ever see those old westerns where the town drunk and/or idiot gets "elected" as sheriff? The reason is typically that the real powers in the town don't want the laws enforced. That, or the new sheriff is nothing more than a puppet to carry out the unseen powers' agendas.

Enter Bush's State of the Union Address. In front of God and everybody, Bush declared to the world that he was determined to reduce America's dependency on Middle Eastern oil by 75% in the next two decades. The very next day, his lackeys were running around telling the media that Bush actually didn't really mean it.

So, who's words were we hearing during Bush's speech? If they were his own, then whose words have we been hearing since?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bush suppressing NASA!

If you thought FEMA's Michael Brown was Bush's worst case of cronyism, you're wrong. Ol' Dubya's topped himself. And this time he got a two-fer. By putting in a totally unworthy person as NASA's public relations official, he also gets to manipulate and suppress valuable scientific information from one of the world's leading science organizations.

NASA scientists are outraged that George Deutsch, the crony in question, has interfered to "alter, filter, or adjust" the content of their messages. (Check the details here, but quickly before the NY Times archives it.) The gist is this: Deutsch is twisting the language to favor Bush's arch-conservative/pro-fundamentalist Christian world view. In other words, it's the Dark Ages again at NASA.

So who is this Deutsch guy that Bush appointed to NASA? Apparently, a total nobody. (Check out this blog's research on the guy.) He's a college dropout who wrote a bunch of right-wing gibberish for the school paper (such as claiming that the ties between Saddam and Al Qaida were so "clear" that it was obvious Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks)--and that's it. The closest he ever came to writing about science is a few video game articles. But he worked on Bush's campaign, so that makes him "qualified."

We're in a fight for the very fabric of our society. The GOP is hell-bent to twist every fact into an opinion and every opinion into a fact. They want to keep us so disinformed that we are totally manipulatable--that we don't can't even formulate questions, let alone understand answers. This way, their machine keeps chugging along. We keep doing all the work that makes them rich and powerful, including dying in foreign wars so they can rake in "record profits."

America was headed in the overall right direction before November 2000. Now we're at the edge of a cliff. And Dubya's happy to provide a push...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

GOPs try to steal another election--this time from themselves.

Oh good grief.

The GOP members of Congress voted today to select a new majority leader in the House. And...I am not making this up...they had "voting irregularities."

Yep, they had more votes cast than there are GOP members of Congress.

They even have to cheat in their own in-party elections. That's how bad the corruption is in the Republican party.

Wow--Bush's on-tape statements prove he's lying.

Here's a video clip where Bush ADMITS that FISA warrants are required for wiretaps. Which is opposite of his current position that he doesn't need them.

What's proven here is that Bush knew warrants (he calls them "court orders") were required by law, and then willfully went ahead and ignored them anyway.

Let's play "Big Brother" again

Here's some technology that sounds useful, but as you read the story it becomes apparent why this really exists. You think you're adding chances to keeping your car safe. But you're actually making it easier to get repo'd. And you only have to pay about $1000 per year for the privilege...

Let's play "Big Brother"

Don't leave your cell phone unattended, not even for five minutes. Or you could be monitored, or worse.

Bush--back to his lying ways...

This is the kind of LYING this Bush administration is habitually guilty of. They make a big, bold statement one day, the provide a "clarification" the next--which basically unsays what was said the day before.

They do this completely on purpose. They know millions of people watched the SOTU address and heard the big claim by Bush that America will cut Middle East oil imports 75% over the next two decades. Wow. Monster promise.

And then the next morning Bush's cronies tell the media that Bush "didn't mean it literally."

What the--?! How can you mean that figuratively???

These jerks aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Bush has gotten away with so many big, important lies that he believes he's totally untouchable, unaccountable for anything he says.

And the worst thing is, he's right. Nobody holds this man accountable for anything.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Alito is confirmed. And so it begins...

With Alito's confirmation, Bush has pushed the Supreme Court clearly to the right. Now the real agenda begins.

Maybe Alito's confirmation wouldn't be so troubling if we didn't see footage of all those church members cheering. It's pretty obvious that Alito is EXPECTED to help install a new theocracy.

Not that that is why he was really nominated. Abortion (and religion) is just the grease the right-wing extremists use to squeeze in their REAL agenda: a total corporatocracy.

(Bush almost screwed up royally with Meiers, who was a lure for religious support but turned out to be quite liberal on other issues--which would have undermined the ultimate goal of corporatocracy.)

So, first we'll endure all this pandering to the religious vote: end of abortion, imposed prayer in schools, meaningless posting of Ten Commandments everywhere, etc. None of this gets in the way of establishing the corporatocracy.

Once the Holy Party is firmly entrenched and unchallenged, they will gut the system. But all the phony Christian packaging will remain. And sadly, the Christian zombies won't ever realize the unholy construct they helped create.

Assuming, of course, that the liberals and/or Democrats can't reverse this process. And given their total lack of fortitude, that's a fair assumption.

Bush knows addiction.

Instead of a dull State of the Union address, last night Bush gave us the oil version of an AA confession. Yes, America is addicted to oil.

But it's easy for the head junkie to talk the talk. Bush was "talking" about alternative fuels six years ago. Aside from giving away tax money for "research" (sometimes code for: free money that doesn't require actual results), Bush has done nothing about real rehabilitation. So in real terms, Bush wasn't actually talking about ending America's need for oil. He was explaining something far more important...

There are times when Bush truly is a straight talker. Except he uses imprecise language that can be interpreted a variety of ways. But the message is there if you think about it.

Last night Bush admitted to the world that he invaded Iraq for control of its vast oil industry.

A junkie will do anything for a fix. Especially lie. Oh, most definitely that.

He simply couldn't help himself. There it was, just lying there in plain open sight and virtually unguarded. How could anyone expect an addict to simply leave it be? You can't leave oil laying around a Bush anymore than a leave a raised skirt around a Clinton. Some things must be tapped!

So, Bush just gave the biggest AA speech of his life. And America is probably too dim-witted to realize it.