Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Can you hear the tick-tick-tick of Ohio...?

There is a bomb about to go off, and you can’t blame anybody but the Republicans.

They caused this. Them and their scheming to steal elections.

This is no longer about whispered conspiracies amongst basement-dwellers wearing tin foil hats. Federal, state, and local governments are involved with the counting fiascos in key states, particularly Ohio and Florida. And it’s not a coincidence these two states have GOP governors and use similar voting machines--not to mention similar disenfranchisement schemes.

The official count will probably look markedly different than the election day tallies. A recount looks certain. And even the Government Accountability Office is taking a look.

Right now, everybody’s walking on egg shells. Nobody wants to revisit 2000. So they’re all talking in gentle tones about accuracy and systemic flaws. Nobody’s mentioning words like “fraud” or “overturn.”

But it’s too close to election to just talk about future elections. If this one can be fixed, it better well should be.

The GOP got away with it in 2000, and even 2002. This time it will be the Democrats’ fault if they get away with it again.

Gear up for more of your favorite “dimpled chad” discussions, and break out the “voter intent” arguments.

But just don’t forget: this is the Republicans' fault.


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