Tuesday, November 30, 2004

More right-wing hypocricy

How can anybody stand beside the track record of the GOP and conservative agendas? How can anybody not see the blatant and consistent hypocricy in their positions?

Yet again, the two-face right-wing ideology rears its ugly head.

Right-wingers hue and cry (ad nauseum) about the supremacy of "state's rights" and anti-federalism...until THEY want something.

Before the Supreme Court is the issue of medical marijuana. The key arguing point is whether a federal Controlled Substances Act can supercede California's Compassionate Use Act (which allows limited use of marijuana for medicinal purposes).

The back-up argument for the Bush administration is the right to stop medicinal marijuana because of interstate commerce laws. But doesn't the GOP preach against the gov't overusing the interstate commerce clause? Oops. Once again, the GOP doesn't let their own bullsh*t get in the way of furthering their own big-government agendas.

Whether or not marijuana actually can be used medicinally seems a secondary issue. I guess because--once again--science will prove the GOP a bunch of reactionary idiots. And we all know how much Dubya loves science. (He never lets science get in the way of promoting ignorance.)

And my money says that--somewhere behind the scenes--the fight against medical marijuana is funded/fueled by big pharmaceuticals. They've spent millions over decades conjuring up their ineffective but legal remedies. The last thing they want is for people to be able to grow their own treatments. That would be bad for profits.

And Bush never let science or humanity get in the way of profits, either.


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