Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Boy Scouts and kiddie porn

Okay, maybe one scandal has nothing to do with the other... and maybe it does. The director of the Boy Scouts has been charged with "possession and distribution" of child pornography.

"...Douglas S. Smith Jr. was accused of receiving images over the Internet in February of children engaging in oral sex, intercourse and other sexually explicit conduct. Sources in the U.S. Attorney's office told NBC that Smith, 61, was expected to plead guilty."

So let's see, the "Christian" youth organization apparently is dogged when it comes to keeping out gays, athiests, and agnostics, but come up short when it comes to preventing entry of the one group most likely to harm those kids: the child pornographers. Okay, okay, it could happen to any ultra-paranoid "Christian" organization... but it does give a fresh-but-odd new definition to the name Boy "Scouts" of America... (scouting for what exactly?).

How many of these stories must be told before we can put an end to the hypocrisy of the right-wing/conservatives? They are no holier than anybody else. They have just as many freaks as any non-right-wing/conservative/"Christian" groups. The only difference is, the right-wingers overlook their own evils and then bad mouth everybody else's. Personally, I'm sick of it.


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