Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Okay, so is it too late to abort...?

The Supreme Court has ruled that juveniles (at the time of the crime) may not be given the death penalty. I must admit, I'm of two minds on this subject.

One, I'm pretty well convinced that a teenager with the mindset to commit murder knows what he's doing. He may not know the full ramifications on society and family members, but he knows he's taking a life. With little kids, I can see that they may not have realized what they were doing. But anyone in high school is well aware. If they can kill like adults, they can pay the price like adults.

But two, I am simply against the death penalty. America is the only advanced nation still using it. I'd rather lead the world forward, than try dragging it backwards. But the real reason is that the verdicts are just too unreliable for that extreme punishment. I can accept a life prison sentence because it always gives the chance for the accused to finally prove his innocence. Also, the whole process is so cumbersome that it's really not cost effective. And I definitely don't want the process streamlined to make it easier to kill an innocent person. Granted, most are probably guilty. But the risks aren't worth it. I'd rather a guilty person serve life in prison than an innocent man get executed.

I just wonder how soon the right-wingers are going to cry "activist judges" on this one. As you know, they ALWAYS cry "activist judges" every time they don't get the ruling they want.


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