Friday, April 08, 2005

As good as (Bush) gets.

From the “Bush is really telling you the truth” department:

Bush was quoted on NPR today saying that his trip to the Pope’s funeral was “the highlight of his administration.” At first, I thought he was a big phony simply parroting what his handler, Karl Rove, told him to say. While that might still be the case, after a few minutes of reflecting on his 4-plus years as Prez I realized that ol’ George was probably telling the honest truth.

Him taking time off to go to a dead Pope’s funeral overseas is most definitely the high point of his administration.

It’s better than his tax cuts for the rich, his pointless education plan, his sleeping-dog approach to terrorism (pre-9/11) and corporate crime, his schemes to eliminate chunks of the Bill of Rights, his lies to start an unprovoked war, his other tax cuts for the rich, his violations of treaties, his open-door plundering policy towards the environment, his erosion of class action lawsuits, and his plot to bleed social security dry.

So, yup, his traipsing off to Europe for a photo-op to pander to American religious nuts sure looks pretty darn good by comparison.

Now if we could just have a pope die about every week, we could keep him from running America any further into the ground...


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