Sunday, April 03, 2005

Bush based war on word of 'crazy drunken liar'

New information (look here and here) about the pre-war Iraqi intelligence is saying that the U.S. relied on a "crazy drunken liar" for its critical source of info about Saddam's WMDs. You're probably thinking "we already knew that," but it's not referring to our current president. Supposedly, he's still on the wagon.

The "crazy" "alcoholic" "congenital liar" was code-named "Curveball" and provided some 100 "intelligence" reports about Saddam's schemes to build and hide a WMD program. He is the cousin of an aide to Ahmed Chalabi, the leader of the former Iraqi National Congress, a group that expected to take over Iraq if Saddam was ever removed.

To put this in perspective, take note that U.S. intelligence did not meet "Curveball" directly, and only got his reports second hand through Germany. Only when the CIA directly inverviewed "Curveball" in March 2004 did they discover the deceit. That makes hackles rise on my neck. Bush launched a war based on information that was never verified by U.S. intelligence. Bush literally just took some stranger's word for it all.

But that's not the worst part. The truly outrageous part is that EVERY piece of information that WAS obtained first hand, directly by U.S. intelligence, CONTRADICTED what this "drunken liar" had to say. So there's no way Bush can wave this off as an "bad intelligence" unless he's referring to his own blatant stupidity. There was plenty of pre-war information at hand to raise serious doubts about the accusations against Saddam. Bush willfully rejected truth and fact for rumor.

I can think of no stronger example of INCOMPETENT leadership.

That is, however, if you assume Bush had honest motives. If you accept the ugly truth that Bush was simply opening doors for the Oil Barons, then he was not only capable but very successful.

Either way, the asshole should be impeached.


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