Sunday, December 12, 2004

Bush: nations shouldn't be united, they should be subservient

We are seeing a key phase of the neo-Con Republican agenda in play right now. To fulfill their “American hegemony” (read: US dominates the world), they need to neuter the United Nations.

Remember how the U.S. preached for 50 years that the U.N. was THE place for nations to settle their problems? Well, that was a sham. It was a scheme to bolster world support against the Soviet Union. There was no underlying “good neighbor” policy. Now that there is no USSR to challenge America, the GOP intends to BECOME the empire(s) we have always condemned.

Right now, Republicans are orchestratedly appearing on TV shows, radio, and print media outlets to condemn UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and blame him for the so-called “oil for food scandal.” The oil for food program was set up so that Iraq could make enough money to keep its people fed, etc. It was a humanitarian concession, because sanctions were causing (ultimately a million people, half were children) innocent Iraqis to suffer. Saddam was manipulating that loophole to gain billions for his own use.

The GOP wants Americans to blame Annan and the UN Security Council members who did not support Bush’s invasion of Iraq, namely France, Germany, and China. The purpose is to run out Annan as Secretary General because Annan is not afraid to speak up against America’s bad foreign policy. Bush hopes they can put in a puppet Sec. Gen. who will turn the U.N. into nothing more than an organ of his administration.

This is not to say that Saddam getting around sanctions isn’t a bad thing. But to cry foul now is two-faced. Where were the Republicans (and America) when Saddam was building palaces with that money? Clinton did nothing, but neither did the GOP. All were silent.

What I find hypocritical is that all the parties in the scandal, Iraq, the buyer nations, and secret middle men, are being condemned as criminals. But, when the shoe is on the other foot, when Halliburton uses middle men to illegally trade with Iran despite sanctions, there is NO ACTION by this administration. If France is guilty, how is Halliburton not guilty?

Because the “crime” in question is irrelevant. The GOP wants Annan out and the U.N. neutralized.


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