Thursday, March 03, 2005

Stop whining, liberals, and hit back!

The liberals just don't know how to fight. They waste way too much time begging for apologies, and too little time throwing punches of their own.

Instead of demanding Nevada Republican Jim Gibbons apologize for saying anyone protesting war should be shipped off and used as human shields, the liberals should use his words against him. Is this what Gibbons would say about Sam Adams and the Liberty Boys? About the very basic American right to protest your government for a redress of grievances?

Apparently, that's exactly what he'd say. Gibbons is unapologetic about his intolerance for dissent or--in effect--democracy. Instead of asking Gibbons to hide his un-American, un-democratic views, they should be drawing more of them out. This is the kind of man he is, and they shoud be exposing it.

Saying we should kill more of our soldiers is not inherently more patriotic than saying we shouldn't kill any of them. Saying we shouldn't lie about other countries isn't unpatriotic. Saying we shouldn't start wars isn't unpatriotic. Demanding the government to justify its actions isn't unpatriotic.

But to folks like Gibbons it is. What he's really saying is that he is in FAVOR of the suppressive tactics used by Saddam Hussein.

If the liberals ever want to win again, they need to throw some punches. They should bloody his nose by calling him "another Saddam." Because that's exactly what he's trying to be.


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