Monday, April 11, 2005

Lock and load! Florida to get more deadly.

Now that pandering to the religous nuts is over, it's time to pander to the gun nuts.

Apparently, the NRA must be feeling left out of the "pandering pie" the GOP so generously served during their orchestrated Schiavo debacle. So Jeb Bush has shifted--very quickly--from "err on the side of life" to "err on the side of TAKING life." He wants Floridians reaching for their guns as soon and as often as possible.

I'd like to know what Bizarro Christianity these GOP worship. There's nothing pacifist about encouraging bloodbaths.

Now, I'm not against armed self-defense. But this law is completely INCOMPATIBLE with Christ. And that's what bugs me. These are the same posers who pretend they're so religious and holy--and then turn around and say we should be killing each other MORE than we already do.

Culture of life, my fat ass.


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